Welcome to The Magic Pomegranate

Welcome to the Magic Pomegranate - A community of friends commited to healing through food and story.

Posting Instructions

If you are posting a recipe:
  • Put the name of the recipe in the title.
  • Put the type of recipe in the label section at the end of your post (salad, breakfast, smoothie, etc.) The blog will catalogue all the recipes for us on the right side bar of the blog.
  • Put only one recipe per post.
  • Include pictures if you can.
  • If you are sharing a recipe from someone else, please give them proper credit.
  • Please, no recipes with dairy, beef, pork, processed meats, or processed sugars or flours. We especially welcome raw vegan recipes and those using sprouts, grains and seeds. We are about healing through powerhouse foods.
If you are posting a tip:
  • Put Tips in the label section.
If you are sharing a story:
  • Put Stories in the label section
If you are posting a question:
  • Put Questions in the label section

Posts can have multiple labels, just list all that apply. If your post doesn't match any of the above catagories
, you don’t have to label anything.

Thanks for joining us! Our journey will be stronger with you along!